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Session 2

Learning Objectives: In this session, teens will examine what crime is and how it affects them and their communities, . . .

Learning Objectives:
In this session, teens will examine what crime is and how it affects them and their communities, explore the causes of youth violence, and learn about how different crimes vary in degree of seriousness.
 Tips to Enhance Session 2:
  • Speak about local crimes. Use the web resources below to compile statistics of crime in your city, state, or region (in conjunction with Step B).
  • Clip stories from your local newspaper to share with students (to supplement Step B).
  • Present juvenile crime offense and victimization statistics. The victimization statistics will help the class segue into the next Community Works session (in conjunction with Step B).
 Web Resources:
  • Crime in the United States 2004: FBI report offering a crime clock, regional crime map, and statistics on the number of offenses reported, people arrested, and offenses cleared in 2004. Students can view the regional crime map and discuss what they can do to prevent different types of crime in their locality.
  • Bureau of Justice Statistics: Agency with current statistics focused on victimization and crime. The site also offers international statistics; students can compare their city or country to others around the world.
  • Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 2006 National Report: Contains current juvenile crime statistics.
 Community Resource People:
  • Police officer: Can integrate local crime statistics into the session and explain effective ways to prevent those crimes. The officer can also explain how state law ranks the crimes in Handout 2.
  • Crime investigator: Can share local statistics, stories, and prevention tips.
Don’t forget to give the community resource person the session materials at least one week before he or she is to participate in the class.
 Service-Learning Project ideas:
  • Short Project: Students can create “Did You Know?” buttons and stickers containing local and national crime statistics. The items should be given to other students to raise awareness of crime in their community.
  • Medium-Length Project: Students can write letters to their state legislators using the local crime statistics they learned. The teens can ask about what the politicians plan to do to reduce crime in their community or state.
  • Long Project: Students can create and conduct a survey of classmates about their perceived level of safety in school, at home, and throughout the community. Students can then compile the information and create posters to post throughout the school. Make sure students add phone numbers for appropriate local crime hotlinesfor classmates to use if necessary.
Insert to Lesson 2:
The answer key for Handout 3 was inadvertently left out of Volume One: Lesson 2.
The answers are as follows:
  1. G
  2. O
  3. C
  4. H
  5. M
  6. I
  7. E
  8. J
  9. F
  10. F
  11. F
  12. N
  13. H
  14. G
  15. A
  16. A
  17. F
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