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Diversity: Grades 3 - 5

Objective - To appreciate differences in people Materials Enough chairs for every child in the group Activity - Set . . .


  • To appreciate differences in people


Enough chairs for every child in the group


  • Set up chairs in a circle, with one chair in the middle.
  • Have all the children sit in the circle. Choose one child to sit in the chair inside the circle.
  • The child in the middle should call out "Everybody who has brown hair move to a new chair."
  • The child in the middle and all those who fit the stated description leave their chairs and attempt to find a seat in the circle. The child left without a seat around the circle sits in the center and "calls" the next round.
  • After the game, discuss ways that all children are alike (we all have a birthday, we all go to school) and ways that children are different.

Note: If a child with a disability is part of your group, have that child "call" the game. If possible, give all children a chance to "call" the game.

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