Gang Violence Prevention
NCPC provides training, technical assistance, tools, and resources in gang violence prevention. Each training and technical assistance is tailored to meet the needs of agencies and communities nationwide. NCPC’s tools and resources are available for a wide range of audiences including kids, teenagers, parents, caregivers, law enforcement, communities, and state and federal government. Whatever your need, NCPC is able to assist you.
Girls and Gangs English
Girls And Gangs Spanish
Address Girls and Gangs English
Address Girls and Gangs Spanish
Fact Sheets:
Protecting Communities with Anti-gang Injunctions Fact Sheet
Gang Violence Poster
Gang Violence Flyer
Gang Violence Palm Card
NCPC Gang Fact Sheet - Adult
NCPC Gang Fact Sheet - Youth
Sustaining Your Gang Prevention Efforts
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Date rape
Dating violence
Helping a friend with a drug problem
Identifying and Addressing a Gang Problem
Strategy State laws can hrlp police enforce against youth gang crime, including graffiti, coercion of members, illegal trafficking in ...
Battling Gangs: A Novel Use of Civil Injunctions
According National District Attorney's Association (NDDA), the United States has 30,000 gangs with 800,000 members whose crimes, tactics, and strategies are ...
Strategy: Gang Prevention Through Community Intervention With High-Risk Youth
Strategy Coordinated intervention by the community and law enforcement personnel reduces the likelihood that high-risk youth with become involved...
Casting Too Wide a Net
Cities all across the nation are doing what they can to stem gang violence and..
Selected NCPC Materials
Be Smart and Safe with McGruff
Growing up can be tough and sometimes it's hard fro children and youth to make choices that will keep them safe and healthy. Be Smart and Safe With McGruff provides parents and guardians with quick and fun activities to do with their children to help start conversations about friends, school, and experiences in the neighborhood. this booklet will help children stay safe and strengthen the parent/child relationship.
Community works
Community Works is a curriculum that combines education and action to reduce teen victimization and involve young people in service to their communities. The program's three components-interactive lessons that provide practical crime prevention knowledge, community resource people, and youth-led service-learning projects--provide young people with the tools and skills they need to create that change. Community Works is a program of NCPC's Teens, Crime and the Community initiative. The revised and expanded two-volume manual provides everything a teacher or facilitator needs to implement a program that will motivate young people to take safety seriously and to make their communities better and safer. Two-volume set includes Charting Success: A Workbook for Developing Service-learning Projects.
Keeping Kids Safe Kit
This comprehensive kit teachers, law enforcement officers, youth organization leaders, and other community members contains a variety of materials for children pre-K through fifth grade. These background papers, interactive activities , worksheet, and posters cover topics such as bullies; guns and other weapons; alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; conflict management; and much more. I includes a cassette tape and songbook.