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Page Strategy: Safe Design of Public Areas to Prevent Drug Trafficking
Strategy Neighborhoods can reduce drug-related activity through environmental changes that make their communities less vulnerable and hospitable to drug . . .
Page Strategy: Substance Abuse Counseling in Correctional Facilities
Strategy Mental health care professionals can provide substance abuse counseling in correctional facilities. This helps reduce mental health disturbances . . .
Page Strategy: Youth-to-Youth Antidrug Strategy
Strategy Communities use one of their greatest resources to combat drug use among youths--other youths. Drug Problem Addressed Young . . .
Page Strategy: Parental Involvement in Raising Drug-Free Youth
Strategy Programs and mechanisms that incorporate parental involvement in raising drug-free children can reduce drug use and strengthen community . . .
Page Strategy: Prenatal Care and Drug Abuse Treatment for Pregnant Women
Strategy Prenatal care and drug abuse treatment programs for pregnant women and teenagers can help ensure healthy babies and . . .
Page Strategy: Assigning Resource Officers to Schools
Strategy Law enforcement agencies can open lines of communication between police officers and students by placing a police officer . . .
Page Strategy: Easy Access to Prevention and Treatment Services
Strategy When a community provides easy access to prevention and early intervention services, these services reach youth and adults . . .
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