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Session 16

Learning Objectives: In this session, teens will sort handgun myths from facts and consider how this information relates to . . .

Learning Objectives:

In this session, teens will sort handgun myths from facts and consider how this information relates to their lives and their community. They will then focus on a situation involving a teen and a gun, weigh the possible consequences, and decide on the best course of action.
 Tips to Enhance Session 16:
  • Clip current newspaper articles concerning gun violence for your students to read and reflect upon during the wrap-up for Part 1 (Step C).
 Web Resources:
 Community Resource People:
  • Police officer: Can help demystify myths and facts about guns and explain the prevalence of gun violence in your community.
  • Shooting range instructor: Can discuss how guns can be used improperly and for violence.
Remember to give the community resource person the session materials at least one week before he or she will participate in your class.
 Service-Learning Project Ideas:
  • Short Project: Students can organize a candlelight ceremony in memory of victims of gun violence. They can hold the ceremony at school or in a neighborhood park. (Make sure to contact local government officials for fire and assembly regulations.)
  • Medium-Length Project: Students can promote school safety and gun prevention by creating an awareness day, week, or month at their school. Students can invite police officers or other crime prevention specialists to speak at an assembly or rally. Students can also display posters advocating for gun prevention and school safety. Teens can hold an essay, poem, or poster contest to promote student involvement in violence prevention.
  • Long Project: Teens can visit a court or police station to learn about judicial consequences for various gun crimes. Then, the students can write a series of gun and violence prevention articles, chronicling the consequences for a local or school newspaper.
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