Talk About Firearms |
McGruff’s Tips for Kids—Finding a Gun
It is important to start a dialogue with your children about what to do if they find a gun. The following is suggested language for talking to your kids about firearms:
Guns are very serious. An accident involving a gun can hurt or even kill you or someone you know. Most adults are allowed to own a gun by law, and many have one. This means that even if there isn't a gun in your house, you need to know what to do if you see a gun.
- If you see a gun, follow these four steps: 1. Stop. 2. Don't touch. 3. Get away. 4. Tell an adult.
- When you follow these steps, you're protecting yourself and helping to keep other people safe.
- Here are some tips about what to do in specific circumstances:
o Walk away and tell a parent if your friend shows you his parent's gun.
o Tell an adult immediately if you see a gun in someone's backpack at school.
o Tell a trusted adult if you hear a girl or boy say that she or he is going to bring a gun to school.
o Follow the four steps if you find a gun in the park by your house.
o If you're not sure why a gun is dangerous, talk to a parent about it.