How to Help McGruff! Service Projects for Children to Make Communities Safer
- A guide for engaging children (ages 6 to 12) in service projects that will make their communities safer and better
Volunteering: Do What You Like To Do
- A 12 page guide for teens on volunteering
People of Faith Mentoring Children of Promise
- This 66 page publication aims to help propel a movement to dramatically reduce prison populations, prevent crime, and improve communities.
Philanthropy and Faith: An Introduction
- This 24-page document examines the role of faith-based communities in partnership with private funders
Faith Community and Criminal Justice Collaboration: A Collection of Effective Programs
- This 87-page report examines how the faith and criminal justice communities can cooperate
Becoming a Better Supervisor: A Resource Guide for National and Community Service Supervisors
- Nearly everyone involved in supervising people working in community service will find something useful among the concepts, vignettes, and tools in this 263 page guide.
Everyone is Doing It
- Reproducible brochure on planning a successful crime prevention project
How to Help a Troubled Friend
- Reproducible brochure for young people on helping friends deal with depression
Invest in Youth
- A free publication about helping youth in your community.
What Do You Want To Be Labeled As?
- A free publication on teen volunteering