Violent Crime
Violence by Teenage Girls
- Research Brief on "Girls Study Group; Understanding and Responding To Girls’ Delinquency." (June, 2008)
Abusive Behaviors in Teen Dating Relationships
- Research Brief on "The co-occurrence of adolescent boys' and girls' use of psychologically, physically, and sexually abusive behaviours in their dating relationships." (May 1, 2008)
Missing and Exploited Children
- NCPC Research Brief on Missing and Exploited Children
Dater's Bill of Rights
- A list of rights you should have in any relationship
Rape: Tough Questions, No Easy Answers
- Reproducible brochure on the facts about rape and sexual assault
Sexual Assault is About Power, Control & Anger
- A reproducible brochure about the prevention and consequences of rape and sexual assault
Date Rape: A Power Trip
- Reproducible brochure about how to prevent date rape
Teen Dating Violence
- Reproducible brochure for teens about abusive relationships
Streetwise: The Way to Be
- Reproducible brochure about staying safe on public transportation, in your car, and in public
Your Inside Look at Crime Prevention: McGruff Files
- This basic booklet explains the need for both individual and community prevention efforts; provides basic home, personal, and neighborhood prevention strategies everyone should know
Talking With Children About Violence
- A reproducible brochure on talking with kids about violence
Family Violence Hurts Everyone
- A reproducible brochure about what to do if you or someone you know is experiencing family violence
Making Children, Families, and Communities Safer From Violence
- Full-text 28 page booklet on keeping children safe
Cell Phones and Perceptions of Safety
- A Research Spotlight highlighting two surveys conducted at Ohio State University
Crime Prevention For People with Disabilities
- A reproducible brochure with safety tips for people with disabilities
Checklist for Violence Prevention
- A checklist for preventing violence in your community
The Hidden Crime: Domestic Violence
- A reproducible brochure on identifying and preventing domestic violence
Topics in Crime Prevention: Working With Older Americans
- Full-text publication
Reaching and Serving Teen Victims: A Practical Handbook
- This 41 page publication deals with helping teenage victims of crime
Cell Phones and College Students - Playing it Safe
- A reproducible brochure from the 2009-2010 Crime Prevention Month Kit
Making Children, Families, and Communities Safer From Violence
- A free, downloadable publication from NCPC