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October Crime Prevention Events - Focus on Fatal Vision

The University of Alabama in Huntsville Police Department has several crime prevention and community involvement events scheduled for this month. Here is what we are focusing on:

  1. Operation ID - Property Registration Event on October 17 at two of our campus residence halls. We have already registered over 100 pieces of property this fall and are hoping to at least double that.
  2. Rape Aggression Defense - Women's Self Defense (a joint program with Alabama A & M University Police Department)on October 14-17.
  3. Rape Aggression Defense - Women's Self Defense (SAFE Program) for Delta Zeta Sorority on October 18.
  4. Fatal Vision Alcohol Awareness Halloween Event on October 24.
  5. October's Crime Prevention Table Top Tip will be released on October 20.

Captain Dianna Marshall 301 Sparkman, IMF 123 Huntsville Alabama 35899

The University of Alabama in Huntsville Police Department Date and Time of the Event: Oct 24, 2012 06:00 PM

Home Depot's Fire Safety Month-Kids Workshop

We are inviting vendors, local police, the fire department, and parents, children and customers of all ages.

Jennifer Harville (Lead Generator) or Jay Peterson (Infocus) 1035 N Memorial Pkwy Huntsville Al 35801

The Home Depot Date and Time of the Event :Oct 06, 2012 09:00 AM

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