Resources for Audience: Military service members and their families
A List Of Resources and Tools To Help Your Initiative Be Successful
What Teens Can Do Against Terrorism
- How Young People Can Help Their Communities To Prepare and Respond, 2004
People of Faith Mentoring Children of Promise
- This 66 page publication aims to help propel a movement to dramatically reduce prison populations, prevent crime, and improve communities.
Pack Your Street Sense When You Pack Your Bags
- Informative brochure
Preparedness Guide for Travelers
- Informative brochure
Checklist for Violence Prevention
- A checklist for preventing violence in your community
The Hidden Crime: Domestic Violence
- A reproducible brochure on identifying and preventing domestic violence
Conversación con su Niño Sobre los Conflictos
- Free, helpful resource in Spanish
At Home Alone: A Parent's Guide
- Informative brochure
Raising Streetwise Kids: A Parent's Guide
- Informative brochure
Scruff's Gun Safety Rules
- A word game for kids
Conversación con su Niño Sobre la Diversidad
- Free, helpful resource in Spanish
Conversación con su Niño o Adolescente
- Free, helpful resource in Spanish
Desarrollar la Resiliencía en su Niño o Adolescente
- Free, helpful resource in Spanish
A Family Guide to Using the Internet
- Informative brochure for families about using the internet safely
Talking to Your Kids About Drugs
- Reproducible brochure for parents with tips on how to talk to children about drugs
Take A Stand Against Crime: Join Neighborhood Watch
- Informative brochure on reducing crime by participating in Neighborhood Watch
Starting a Neighborhood Watch
- Free, helpful resource on starting a Neighborhood Watch program
Checklist for Starting a Neighborhood Watch
- Free, helpful resource on starting a Neighborhood Watch program
Law Enforcement Needs Your Help
- Informative brochure on how to help law enforcement reduce crime
United for a Stronger America Citizens' Preparedness Guide
- A 31 page booklet on how you should prepare for and respond to an emergency