Resources for Audience: Local news media
A List Of Resources and Tools To Help Your Initiative Be Successful
A Dozen Things Principals Can Do To Stop School Violence
- A helpful fact sheet for school principals on stopping school violence
A Dozen Things Teachers Can Do to Stop School Violence
- A helpful fact sheet for teachers on stopping school violence
A Dozen Things Parents Can Do To Stop School Violence
- A helpful fact sheet for parents on stopping school violence
Making Schools Safer: Ten Things Caregivers Can Do
- A helpful fact sheet for caregivers on stopping school violence
A Dozen Things Students Can Do To Stop School Violence
- A helpful fact sheet for students on stopping school violence
Tips for Working Together to Create Safer Schools
- A reproducible brochure for teens on making schools safer
Stopping School Violence
- A supplement to the Be Safe and Sound in School program
A Safe Workplace is Everybody's Business: Safety Tips
- These safety tips and checklists concerning workplace safety complement the booklet, and provide ideas for making your building or office a safer place.
Preparedness Guide for Travelers
- Informative brochure
A Family Guide to Using the Internet
- Informative brochure for families about using the internet safely
Newspaper Mat: Tips for Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet
- A short NewsUSA article for parents about keeping kids safe online
Responding to Methamphetamine, Washington State's Promising Example
- A report on the methods Washington state used to respond to increasing methamphetamine use
Starting a Neighborhood Watch
- Free, helpful resource on starting a Neighborhood Watch program
Law Enforcement Needs Your Help
- Informative brochure on how to help law enforcement reduce crime
Newspaper Mat: Protect Your Neighborhood Against Crime, Terrorism
- Free, helpful resource on protecting your neighborhood from crime and terrorism
Preventing Identity Theft: A Guide for Consumers
- A 16 page full color pdf publication on protecting yourself from identity theft
Newspaper Mat: Eight Crime Prevention Tips for Teens
- Free, helpful resource
Family Link-Up Plan
- A simple tool for helping families coordinate during an emergency
Caregivers' Guide to School Safety and Security
- This document offers children's caregivers ways to promote and foster socially appropriate behaviors and positive relationships. The booklet discusses issues children face at school, a caregiver's role in a child's life, and how caregivers can engage local businesses and the community to help make schools safe for children.
Neighborhood Watch Needs You
- Neighborhood Watch is coming to your community, and we need you to get involved! The program embraces and strengthens many things we're already doing, such as watching out for each other's homes or working together to solve problems. But Neighborhood Watch brings along the power of organization and the ability to focus energy and resources.