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Intellectual Property Theft

Intellectual Property Theft is not a Victimless Crime

In June 2010, the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) received a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).  NCPC is creating a public education campaign to engage young adults (18-30) to change their attitudes, behaviors, and understanding of what is at stake when they buy counterfeit products and download  materials illegally.

What's New in Intellectual Property Theft ?

  • The Mississippi Intellectual Property Crime Center website was designed by the state's attorney general's office to provide the general public with information. Click here to access the website.
  • AT&T, Sony/ATV, Watson Pharmaceuticals, Apple, CBGB: Intellectual Property
    Internet-service providers including AT&T Inc. (T), Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) and Comcast Corp. (CMCSA) promised to take a more active role in fighting online piracy in an agreement with the entertainment industry announced yesterday. The ISPs, which also include Time Warner Cable and Cablevision Systems Corp. (CVC), will send as many as six electronic alerts to customers whose accounts are allegedly being used to download or distribute illegal movies, television shows or music, according to a news release

Prevention Works Blog

Wow . . . Did I hear you correctly?

Recently I participated in focus group research about intellectual property crime.  Many of you know it better by names like counterfeiting and piracy.  It involves actions such as illegal downloading of movies, music and software; purchasing knock-off purses or jewelry, and buying countless other fake products.  Read More!

Current Resources


 US Chamber of Commerce

IPR Center




UK Trust

Document Actions