Stop the Clues
- A 30 second public service announcement about the clues that might indicate kids are dealing with bullying
Houston Mayor's Anti-Gang Office Webinar
- As part of its “Gang Talk Thursday” webinar series NCPC presents the City of Houston’s Mayor’s Anti-Gang Office and Gang Task Force. Patricia Harrington, Director of the Mayor’s Anti-Gang Office and Victor Gonzalez, supervisor of outreach workers, present Houston’s successful strategies of prevention, intervention, and suppression of gangs in Houston.
Child Support and Reentry
- Previously incarcerated persons face a host of problems, barriers, and challenges once released from incarceration. Among the most daunting can be the collateral consequences associated with Child Support issues. Child Support arrearages can be five figure obligations that can stymie the most skilled and ready among us upon release.
Reentry and Disaster Relief
- Utilizing the previously incarcerated in disaster relief efforts can be a building block to reintegration into society. The opportunity to serve and give back can be a restorative that helps the community and the individual. The presenter, Bruce Vandersanden is a VISTA supervisor, a Weed and Seed site coordinator and a Division Manager at the Sixth Judicial District Department of Correctional Services. This webinar explores the disaster response and the use of national service, ex-offenders, and the Weed and Seed strategy to respond to one of the worst challenges his community faced – the 500 year flood of Cedar Rapids Iowa in 2008.
Faith-based Reentry Job Training
- Jobs Partnership Greater Washington is a 501 C 3 faith-based job training non-profit that brings churches and businesses together to train, mentor and employ the unemployed, underemployed and hard-to- employ, including the ex-offender. Presenter: Reverend Stephen Tucker
Imprisoning Communities: How Mass Incarceration Makes Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Worse
- In this webinar presenter: Dr. Todd Clear, Professor at John Jay College at City University of New York and author “Imprisoning Communities,” calls for a redirection of the mass incarceration policy he documents. He challenges society’s belief that sending people to prison prevents crime. He concludes, through evidence-based analysis, that sending people to prison does not prevent crime and does, collaterally, disrupt the social structure of communities.
Prison Entrepreneurship Program
- It is amazing what one charismatic person with a good idea and passion for that idea can do. Catherine Rohr is that person and the Prison Entrepreneurship Program (PEP) is that good idea. Rohr, a former Wall Street venture capitalist, was transformed after she accepted an invitation to visit a Texas prison and founded the PEP program to tap the entrepreneurial spirit and skills of inmates to begin the path to success and fulfillment. PEP is a rigorous, voluntary, in-prison business and life skills development curriculum focused on entrepreneurism as a way out and up for prisoners within one year of release.
The Reentry Framework
- This webinar features a close look at Reentry technology, namely the Reentry Framework of The presenter is David Heath who explores the Reentry Framework referral and case management system and how it can serve your community and your clients. David Heath is the CEO of Web Partner Group, a for-profit company that develops web technologies and he also directs VentureCD, a non-profit that provides information and communication technology services to the social service sector, including reentry efforts.
Restorative Justice and Reentry
- Presenters Melanie Motel and Zach Trent share their experiences conducting a restorative justice reentry program in Vermont. Restorative Justice (as opposed to Criminal Justice) focuses on harms and consequent needs of victims, the community, and the offender; addresses the obligations that result from those harms; uses inclusive, collaborative processes; involve stakeholders, including victims, offenders, community, and society; and seeks to put right the wrongs
AmeriCorps*VISTA / Weed and Seed Prisoner Reentry Initiatives
- Presenter Alvin Atkinson, Director of the Center for Community Safety of Winston-Salem State University, highlights the effective practices and efforts of four Weed and Seed/AmeriCorps*VISTA Reentry Initiative sites. The initiative’s partnerships, critical capacity-building roles, accomplishments, and reentry benchmarks are featured.
Recruiting VISTA Members for Reentry Projects
- Donna Palandro, AmeriCorps*VISTA Outreach Specialist, and Martha Fleming, CNCS State Program Specialist, discuss important topics on recruiting VISTAs, how best to utilize them to set up and administer reentry programs, and how VISTAs can recruit and manage additional volunteers.
Educating the Public About Reentry
- Felix Mata, Baltimore City Ex-Offender Initiative, and Michelle Boykins, NCPC, address one of the core challenges of reentry: educating the public about the issue and the benefits of successful reentry initiatives for public safety and the community in general.
Employing Ex-Offenders
- Carolyn Harper, Public Private Ventures, and Roberta Meyers-Peeples, National H.I.R.E. Network, discuss how to improve employment opportunities for individuals returning home from prison. The discussion addresses ways to educate the business community about hiring this population and ways to better prepare ex-offenders for successful job placement.
Reentry Funding
- Melissa Bradley, Reentry Strategies Institute, and Sharon Rabb, Campaign Consultation, Inc., address the challenge of finding funding sources that could help support a reentry initiative. The discussion includes fundraising tips and how to approach potential funders.
Reentry and Substance Abuse
- Dr. Faye Taxman leads a discussion on the challenges substance abuse treatment poses for many criminal justice systems. This discussion highlights reentry programs that offer a continuum of treatment services and accountability programming, and successful partnerships in this area.
Crime Prevention Resources by Robert Douglas, Executive Director, Kentucky Crime Prevention Coalition
Crime Prevention Series Podcasts
UMOS Dating Violence PSA
What is a Crime Prevention Officer Worth?
- The guest for this podcast interview is Patrick D. Harris. Mr. Harris has 39 years of crime prevention, law enforcement and criminal justice experience and has served as the Director of the National Crime Prevention Association (NCPA), the Crime Prevention Coalition of America (CPCA), and the Executive Director of the Virginia Crime Prevention Association for 12 years. He explains the importance of the role of a crime prevention officer and how this position supports the work of law enforcement agencies and helps to prevent crime in the community.
Crime Prevention Strategies in Pakistan
- The guest for this podcast interview is Patrick D. Harris. Mr. Harris has 39 years of crime prevention, law enforcement and criminal justice experience and has served as the Director of the National Crime Prevention Association (NCPA), the Crime Prevention Coalition of America (CPCA), and the Executive Director of the Virginia Crime Prevention Association for 12 years. Mr. Harris just recently spent several months in Pakistan to assist the police force in their crime prevention efforts. Listen to this exciting interview of how Pakistan is addressing crime prevention in their country and how culture can play a role in the strategies taken.
Mortgage Fraud Scams Podcast
- Thousands of people are victimized each year. According to the FBI’s 2010 Mortgage Fraud Report Year in Review (August 2011), mortgage fraud continued at elevated levels in 2010. Although new laws and protections have been put in place to address these scams, Mortgage fraud schemes have been particularly resilient, and have adapted to economic changes and modifications in lending practices. This podcast discusses the most common scams including predatory lending, scamming through flipping properties, how documents are altered, and what are inflated income or assets. Victim Service Providers will be provided with resources and advice on how to direct their victims against these scams.
When the Going Gets Scruff
- Downloadable mp4 format
Loan Modification Scams
Prosecutors and Victim Service Providers Working Together
Understanding Financial Fraud Victimology
Unfair and Abusive Mortgage Servicing Practices
Understanding Mortgage Fraud
Neighbor Works America