Bullying: What’s New and What To Do
- This presentation helps participants identify and understand various bullying behaviors, the scope of the bullying problem, who bullies, the warning signs that a child is being bullied, strategies children can use to deal with bullying, and steps adults can take to address bullying.
Methamphetamine Abuse and Clandestine Laboratories
- This presentation covers the history of meth; what meth is; what meth looks like; street names; signs, symptoms, and methods of use; side effects of meth abuse; abuse patterns and treatment; types of clandestine labs; and dangers associated with clandestine labs.
Identity Theft and Strategies for Crime Prevention
- This presentation defines identity theft, discusses why participants should worry about it, examines how identity theft occurs, looks at how identity theft has emerged, discusses what is being done about identity theft, and looks at ways participants can protect themselves.
Smart and Safe in Cyberspace: Social Networking 101
- This presentation informs communities of the emerging trend of social networking and provides safety tips to help children and youth socialize safely online.
School Safety and Security
- This presentation discusses school safety and security issues, factors affecting school safety, key components of school safety planning, and how to engage the community to foster safer schools.
Education about cyberbullying
Assisting Victims of Mortgage Fraud
Winning Strategies That Educate Homeowners about Loan Modification Scams
Neighborhood Watch Part 1
Neighborhood Watch Part 2
Mortgage Fraud