School Safety
A Dozen Things Principals Can Do To Stop School Violence
- A helpful fact sheet for school principals on stopping school violence
A Dozen Things Teachers Can Do to Stop School Violence
- A helpful fact sheet for teachers on stopping school violence
A Dozen Things Parents Can Do To Stop School Violence
- A helpful fact sheet for parents on stopping school violence
Making Schools Safer: Ten Things Caregivers Can Do
- A helpful fact sheet for caregivers on stopping school violence
A Dozen Things Students Can Do To Stop School Violence
- A helpful fact sheet for students on stopping school violence
Stand Up and Start a School Crime Watch Today
- A reproducible brochure for teens on starting a school crime watch
Tips for Working Together to Create Safer Schools
- A reproducible brochure for teens on making schools safer
School Safety and Security Toolkit: A Guide for Parents, Schools, and Communities
- A toolkit to supplement the Be Safe and Sound in School program
Stopping School Violence
- A supplement to the Be Safe and Sound in School program
Caregivers' Guide to School Safety and Security
- This document offers children's caregivers ways to promote and foster socially appropriate behaviors and positive relationships. The booklet discusses issues children face at school, a caregiver's role in a child's life, and how caregivers can engage local businesses and the community to help make schools safe for children.
Ready for Kindergarten?
- A cartoon strip about preparing your children for kindergarten
School Safety: What Parents Can Do To Help
- Newspaper Mat Feature: While your child’s school may have been spared from any headline-catching, violent incidents, chances are that less dramatic acts of hostility, such as bullying and harassment, occur there every day.
School Violence: A Deadly Pattern Calls For Action
- Newspaper Mat Feature: Are schools safe? Considering the number of tragic events that have occurred at schools across the country in recent years, this is one question every parent, teacher, administrator and community member is having a hard time answering.
Parent Survey Executive Summary (PDF)
- Key results regarding parents' perceptions of school safety and relationships with neighbors from a survey of 1,400 parents conducted in July 2008.
Five Ways Good Communication Can Boost School Safety
- A reproducible brochure from the 2009-2010 Crime Prevention Month Kit
Be Safe and Sound School Safety Newsletter
- This is a 2005 Be Safe and Sound newsletter that discusses school safety.
Schoo Safety Toolkit
- School Safety and Security Toolkit: A Guide for Parents, Schools, and Communities
Safe&Sound in School
- A Guide To The Best Practices