Bullies: A Serious Problem for Kids
- A reproducible brochure about the causes of bullying and how to stop it
Power Tripping
- A reproducible brochure about the causes behind bullying and how to resolve it
Say Goodbye to Bullies
- Solve the math equations and find the secret messages.
The Bully Situation Survey
- Complete this survey in your class.
Stop Cyberbullying Before It Starts
- A colorful, four-page report with statistics and strategies for handling cyberbullying
Cyberbullying Offending and Victimization
- Summary of Findings and Recommendations for Future Work in "Cyberbullying: An exploratory analysis of factors related to offending and victimization."
Lunch Money
- This cartoon strip highlights the issue of parents identifying and reacting to student bullying.
Cyberbullying Trends and Tudes
- A full color research report about cyberbullying
21st Century Bullying - Crueler Than Ever
- A reproducible brochure from the 2009-2010 Crime Prevention Month Kit
Teens and Cyberbullying Research Study
- Executive summary of a report on research conducted for the National Crime Prevention Council by Harris Interactive
Cyberbullying Crime Flyer
Cyberbullying Crime Palm Card
Cyberbullying Crime Poster
Cyberbullying Research Brief