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You are here: Home Programs Celebrate Safe Communities Registered Events 2013 District of Columbia

District of Columbia

Howard University Annual Safety Awareness Fair

The purpose of this fair is to increase safety and security awareness throughout the University community.

Joyce Brooks 2244 10th Street N.W. Suite 266 Washington DC 20059

Howard University Dept. of Public Safety Date/Time of Event: Sep 18, 2013 11:00 AM

10th Annual Community Safety and Fun Day

Planning for a “free” community event for the north end of Springfield, Illinois on Tuesday, August 6th, 2013 from 5pm-8pm.  Demonstrations by the Springfield Police Dept., Fire Dept., information tables from Springfield Police Dept., FBI, and other Safety offices.  Neighborhood associations will be involved.  Entertainment provided by school children from the area.  There will be food. 

Nicole Durant 45 P Street,NW Washington District of Columbia 20001

Associates for Renewal in Education, Inc. Date and Time of the Event: Sep 29, 2012 11:00 AM

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