CSC Announcement Banner Ad 2012
- Use this template CSC web announcement on your website or in a community newsletter to inform your constituents about how to get involved in Celebrate Safe Communities.
CSC Event Flier Template
- Join Your Neighbors to Celebrate your Safe Community!
CSC Event Flier Template (PDF)
- This template is a tool for promoting your plans for Celebrate Safe Communities to networks of contacts throughout your community. Just fill in the details of your community’s event or activity.
CSC Event Flier Template With Photo Space (PDF)
- This template is a tool for promoting your local plans for Celebrate Safe Communities to networks of contacts throughout the community. Just place the name and/or logo of the local law enforcement agency in the top right corner and add below the details of your community’s event or activity. There is a space for a photograph as well.
CSC Poster Template (PDF)
- This 16" x 20" poster template is a tool for reminding community partners of the details of your upcoming CSC events and activities. Just customize it with key information and request that community partners post it so that neighbors know of your plans and how to get involved.