Resources for Audience: Children
A List of Resources and Tools To Help your Initiative Be Successful
Scruff's Gun Safety Rules
- A word game for kids
You Know You Shouldn't Drink, Right?
- A cartoon strip dealing with youth and alcohol consumption
Drugs are Bad
- A cartoon strip about educating your children about drugs
What Should We Do?
- A cartoon strip that shows the importance of promoting positive activities for kids to prevent drug use
Safe Surfing for Teens
- Informative brochure about staying safe online
Ready for Kindergarten?
- A cartoon strip about preparing your children for kindergarten
The Right Kind of Shooting
- McGruff Toon
Normal Kids
- A cartoon strip that shows normal kids don't use drugs.
Area Community Exchange Safe Communities
- A safe communities day at the 8th District Community Room. Free hand-out, balloons, safety games, and speakers on safety.
Lunch Money
- This cartoon strip highlights the issue of parents identifying and reacting to student bullying.
Where Does She Get It?
- A cartoon strip dealing with setting a good attitude example for children