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File Newspaper Mat: Eight Crime Prevention Tips for Teens
Free, helpful resource
File Family Link-Up Plan
A simple tool for helping families coordinate during an emergency
File Safer Seniors (PDF)
Want to conquer fear and prevent crime? Take these common-sense precautions. Informative brochure.
File Locking Your Home
Tells you what you need to know before buying locks for your house.
File Securing the Future for Safer Youth and Communities
A full-text publication that informs adults about the effectiveness of crime prevention in creating safe communities for youth
File Caregivers' Guide to School Safety and Security
This document offers children's caregivers ways to promote and foster socially appropriate behaviors and positive relationships. The booklet discusses issues children face at school, a caregiver's role in a child's life, and how caregivers can engage local businesses and the community to help make schools safe for children.
File Neighborhood Watch Needs You
Neighborhood Watch is coming to your community, and we need you to get involved! The program embraces and strengthens many things we're already doing, such as watching out for each other's homes or working together to solve problems. But Neighborhood Watch brings along the power of organization and the ability to focus energy and resources.
File Neighborhood Watch: Make It a Permanent Force for Community Betterment
Full-text publication
File Neighborhood Watch Organizer's Guide
Works as a guide for creating and sustaining a successful Neighborhood Watch program, and covers everything from motivating the community to running successful meetings.
File Reality of Gangs
A reproducible brochure about the dangers and risks that gangs pose to their members and communities
File The Scoop on Vandalism
Informative brochure
File Graffiti is Everybody's Problem
Informative brochure
File Conversación con su Adolescente Sobre las Pandillas
Free, helpful resource in Spanish
File Topics in Crime Prevention: Working With Older Americans
Full-text publication
File Asegurando el Futuro para los Jovenes y las Comunidades
Full-text publication in Spanish
File Lunch Money
This cartoon strip highlights the issue of parents identifying and reacting to student bullying.
File Where Does She Get It?
A cartoon strip dealing with setting a good attitude example for children
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