All CSC Resources
A private smart folder to help staff organize resources
- Celebrate Safe Communities Logo (ZIP)
- Print and online versions of the CSC logo
- Your Inside Look at Crime Prevention: McGruff Files
- This basic booklet explains the need for both individual and community prevention efforts; provides basic home, personal, and neighborhood prevention strategies everyone should know
- What Teens Can Do Against Terrorism
- How Young People Can Help Their Communities To Prepare and Respond, 2004
- A Dozen Things Principals Can Do To Stop School Violence
- A helpful fact sheet for school principals on stopping school violence
- A Dozen Things Teachers Can Do to Stop School Violence
- A helpful fact sheet for teachers on stopping school violence
- A Dozen Things Parents Can Do To Stop School Violence
- A helpful fact sheet for parents on stopping school violence
- Making Schools Safer: Ten Things Caregivers Can Do
- A helpful fact sheet for caregivers on stopping school violence
- A Dozen Things Students Can Do To Stop School Violence
- A helpful fact sheet for students on stopping school violence
- Stand Up and Start a School Crime Watch Today
- A reproducible brochure for teens on starting a school crime watch
- Tips for Working Together to Create Safer Schools
- A reproducible brochure for teens on making schools safer
- School Safety and Security Toolkit: A Guide for Parents, Schools, and Communities
- A toolkit to supplement the Be Safe and Sound in School program
- Stopping School Violence
- A supplement to the Be Safe and Sound in School program
- How to Help McGruff! Service Projects for Children to Make Communities Safer
- A guide for engaging children (ages 6 to 12) in service projects that will make their communities safer and better
- Volunteering: Do What You Like To Do
- A 12 page guide for teens on volunteering
- People of Faith Mentoring Children of Promise
- This 66 page publication aims to help propel a movement to dramatically reduce prison populations, prevent crime, and improve communities.
- Philanthropy and Faith: An Introduction
- This 24-page document examines the role of faith-based communities in partnership with private funders
- Becoming a Better Supervisor: A Resource Guide for National and Community Service Supervisors
- Nearly everyone involved in supervising people working in community service will find something useful among the concepts, vignettes, and tools in this 263 page guide.
- United for a Stronger America: A Safe Workplace is Everybody's Business
- A Safe Workplace Is Everybody's Business program provides a framework in which businesses can examine their safety and security measures, strengths and weaknesses, risks of becoming the victim of crime, and vulnerabilities during emergency situations.
- A Safe Workplace is Everybody's Business: Safety Tips
- These safety tips and checklists concerning workplace safety complement the booklet, and provide ideas for making your building or office a safer place.
- Disaster Preparedness: A Checklist
- Free, helpful resource for protecting your family from disaster