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North Carolina Celebrates Safe Communities

The Governor's Crime Commission will conduct a statewide initiative to promote Celebrate Safe Communities to all law enforcement agencies and towns.

Start Date: October 1, 2008
City, State: State of North Carolina, NC
Intended audience(s):
Business owners, Children, Community volunteers, Homeowner or neighborhood associations, Local elected officials, Local government agency officials (other than public safety), Local news media, Members of civic organizations, Parents, Representatives of public safety agencies besides law enforcement (fire, emergency services, emergency planning/management), Senior citizens, Watch groups (Block, Neighborhood, Business)

Beginning in May, the North Carolina Governor's Crime commission, along with the North Carolina Crime Prevention Association, began promoting the benefits of Celebrate Safe Commnities. The initiative was kicked off at the North Carolina Crime Prevention Association's Spring Conference in May of 2010. Since that time, GCC staff as well as NCCPA members have spoken of the benefits of Celebrate Safe Communites at town hall meetings, neighborhood watch groups, etc. This November, NSA will have a representative teach the program at the NCCPA fall conference in an effort to get more participation for next year's events.