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Lumberton safe communities month
City wide safe community day and safe haven month. Neighborhood watch programs, gang prevention / intervention, safety tips for seniors while at home or shopping.
City, State: | Lumberton, NC |
Intended audience(s): | |
Business owners, Children, College or university student, staff, or faculty, Community volunteers, Homeowner or neighborhood associations, K-12 school faculty or administrators, Local elected officials, Local news media, Parents, Representatives of public safety agencies besides law enforcement (fire, emergency services, emergency planning/management), Senior citizens, Teens, Watch groups (Block, Neighborhood, Business), Youth-serving organizations (B&G Clubs, YMCA, etc.) |
Have seniors to transported to our location for tips on ID thieft, check fraud, RX safety, home safety, proper locks on doors and how to secure windows, proper lights in the yard and removeal of certain schrubs. Walk through communities and evaluate their community watch program and if they do not have one, bring community together and start one. Teen gang prevention / intervention programs in our local schools, provide information concerning bulling. Set a student ID program with local police department.