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Habersham County Celebrates Safe Communities
We are hosting a crime prevention booth at the county fair, currently meeting with various neighborhoods, school, churches, and business on crime prevention.
City, State: | Habersham County, GA |
Intended audience(s): | |
Business owners, Children, College or university student, staff, or faculty, Community volunteers, Homeowner or neighborhood associations, K-12 school faculty or administrators, Local elected officials, Local government agency officials (other than public safety), Local news media, Members of civic organizations, Parents, Representatives of public safety agencies besides law enforcement (fire, emergency services, emergency planning/management), Senior citizens, Teens, Watch groups (Block, Neighborhood, Business), Youth-serving organizations (B&G Clubs, YMCA, etc.) |
Habersham County as of 2000, the population was 35,902. The 2007 Census Estimate shows a population of 42,272. The Habersham County Sheriff's Office has never done anything like this before on an organized level. The Sheriff's Office currently has two investigators trained in crime prevention through National Sheriff Association Neighborhood Watch and CPTED. We are a rural community growing at a fast rate. We are attempting to reach out to the community and help educated them through school, churches, local neighborhood communities, businesses, various workshops and setting up booths at the various different county fairs. Other than the training provided and the man hours it take to host these various events, we do not have the funding for materials Just within the last 180 days there have been 178 burglaries. That figure does not include the cities that have their own local police departments. We are offering these services to the entire county free of charge hoping to decrease our crime make Habersham County a safer community.